Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much does treatment at CCHH cost? 
- Our services are provided at no cost to our clients.

Q: How do I make an appointment?  
- We must first receive a referral for our services. To do so, please visit our referrals tab located above. 

Q: What should I expect after making a referral for services?
- Children's Center for Hope & Healing is currently operating at wait list capacity. After a referral is made, you will get an email or phone call within 5 business days verifying that the referral was received and to obtain your availability for appointments. 
- The more scheduling flexibility you have, the quicker you will receive services. *Please note: we are able to provide school and work excuses for sessions.
- If you are unable to wait for our services, we are happy to provide referrals for other community resources.
- When a counselor has an opening that meets your availability, they will contact you to schedule your first appointment, called an intake appointment.

Q: What does an intake appointment look like?
- Most intake appointments are done with just the legal guardian/caregiver present. At this time, you can expect to review all treatment paperwork (i.e.: informed consent, treatment plan, safety plan) and provide a detailed client history.
- This is a great time to ask any questions or express concerns related to treatment. Your counselor will be happy to answer your questions and help you better understand the treatment process.
- Please plan on bringing any custody or guardianship paperwork to this appointment.

Q: What can I expect during treatment at CCHH?
You can expect weekly sessions that last approximately 50 minutes in length. 
- Most sessions are individual sessions with the client. For children and adolescent clients, most counselors will conduct check-ins at the beginning and/or the end of each session with the parent/guardian. 
-Throughout treatment, expect family sessions to be scheduled at least once per month. 

Please feel free to contact us!


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm







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